Looking back at history, people will discover that in many cases a shorter version of history has occurred in each person. An individual story is not that great; however, astonishingly; people are able to find similar things across space-time, regions, and ethnicities. Then people can realize there is not that much different about our stories.
Sometimes people feel strong empathy toward a person in literature or a portrait because that person is a reflection of their own appearance that has passed through the process of artistic creation. Likewise, as I am now has existed on a different page of history.
I prefer treated ambiguously the boundaries of what is separated. At the same time, this evokes an interest in trying to understand past people and trying to focus on the life of today. As the internet becomes more common, all kinds of boundaries become ambiguous. The internet can spread an incident that occurs in this moment to all places by text message, image, and story. Therefore, at the same time as we get the information on the incident, it is possible to obtain the story and image behind the people.
We found an interesting point and known a part that people do not have the interest in some fields. Simultaneously, I could learn how my favorite Japanese artist worked in the USA while watching a Ukrainian photographer release new work that is filled with various materials. In addition, I can know that London’s women went to work by subway a hundred years ago and then the current N generation shares their latest news and images of new traditional clothing through the internet every day.
Information exchange has soared to the top recently, so we often have a variety of fantastic illusions that cross over time and space. In other words, modern people imagine ancient life and mix all the elements. We try to understand the past through fusion, like wearing a traditional costume with a trendy purse. In this way, my artwork seeks fusion and distinction, meaning the changing outside life patterns and the unchangeable internal content. As we go through changes of time, each of us will be thinking and exploring more deeply what we want to keep firm or change in our lives.
2010 B.F.A in Chinese panting, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, China
Solo exhibition
2010 Beginning of the matter in important, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, China
2010 Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, China
2010 Award for excellent creative artise E-LAND GROUP China
2010 E_LAND GROUP China scholarship student