Inside & Outside of Frame

Works introduction:

My works undergone few phrases. The first one was to depict inner world in my mind. Now that I hadn’t touched the real society before and shortly after graduation, I still maintained relatively simple mind. For instance, I painted the series of Me And My Village , from which I created a virtual village by regarding the village I lived in when I was a child as prototype. Over a year after I graduated,I kept composing my painting based on my reflection and deliberation to nature, environment, ecology and influence that human imposed on environment, such as Three Radish and the series of Wandering.

 I became closer to society a year later, starting groping my way to explore everything surrounding me. This phrase I was inspired by the hard-pressed people living near my studio who struggled to make a living all by themselves. Thus I started to look outward and created The One Selling Breakfast, Living In Winter and Bystander. Now, I am focusing on a skein of thoughts and sentiment in my mind, which phrase is called looking inward and spawned my works like the series of Heating and Scavenger.

The series of Scavenger was inspired by my numerous relocation and settlement experience. Whenever in a place I never visited before, I always tried to collect some familiar and interesting stuff, either picking up a piece of wood, twig, or stone, or buying some old books and something rare to see. And then placed them on my desk or inside my room to mask strange and cold air in my room.                                                    

When I moved to another strange place, I always cast away some familiar stuff intentionally or not. In this connection, Scavenging means to scrabble the thing I had threw. That’s how I alleviate the unrest and anxiety in my mind.                              

    I believe I am a deserter of the era who appears to always fail to keep up with the pace of this era so it’s hard for me to distinguish where the reality is in my dream. A friend once said human’s dream was so miraculous that it shows the desire or fear from the bottom of heart on one hand, and on the other hand, its unreasonable holds water. That remains indecipherable. There is always something in subconsciousness that is hard to handle to make me retrieve the stuff I littered back to my bag. Perhaps because I am hesitated in the presence of reality and anxious in my mind, so I did this to console myself. The scene I dreamed of was strange to me, but in reality I prefer the scene I am familiar with. Scavenging heals my soul
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#Inside & Outside of Frame
Exhibited Address
Hechuanlu 2570, Minhangqu, Shanghai, China